2016 Llandaff North Christmas Lights switch-on. Goleuadau Nadolig Ystum Taf.

Here are some photos I took tonight of the grand switch-on of Llandaff North’s Christmas Lights. This is always a great occasion and a coming together of the whole community. Dil Jeera opened its doors this year to serve some delicious short eats. Tongwynlais Brass Band set the Christmas mood, there were choirs, including the new Community Choir which sounded cracking! The 2nd Llandaff Scouts were out taking surveys about local facility to help secure a much-needed grant from the Lottery. The night was rounded off, as usual, with fireworks. Here are the photos, with thanks to @DafyddT for the final pic, to the Festival Committee for putting on such a show and to the volunteers staffing the diversion points by the Railway and the Party Shop.


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Author: Gareth Morlais

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