New Llandaff North singing group

British Lung Foundation singing group

The Llandaff North singing group is inviting people living with a lung condition, and their carers to give singing a try.

Joseph Carter, Head of Wales for the organisers, the British Lung Foundation, said: “It can be daunting going along to a new group, but once you make that brave step in attending a session you may find that you really enjoy yourself. You could even make a few friends. Our Cardiff singing instructor Becca Sayers is great, and really makes everyone feel at ease.”

If you would like to try out the group, you can just turn up at one of the weekly sessions which happen every Wednesday at 1:45pm at the Scout Hall, Llandaff North, Belle Vue Crescent, CF14 2FJ

The cost is £3


Author: Gareth Morlais

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